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Immunokun WOW (dogs - 3.1 kg) Supplement for Large dogs to Boost Immunity


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All our products are developed by veterinarians and specialists in animal nutrition.
All our products are developed by veterinarians and specialists in animal nutrition.

The nutritional supplement Immunokun boosts your dog's immunity. Now available in a WOW Size format of 3.1 kg! If your dog is a big one and you need to continuously supplement with Immunokun, look no further: This is your package!

This supplement is ideal for large dogs with a low level of defenses, such as senior animals, animals with obesity or under stressful conditions, or for those positive for Leishmania.

Thanks to its active principles that stimulate the immune system and have anti-leishmania activity, this dietary supplement enhances the immune response and keeps Leishmaniasis under control, improving the health and quality of life of your dog.



Yeast products (mannan-oligosaccharides - 15.6%, beta-glucans - 4.2%), fructooligosaccharides, flavoring by-product (hydrolyzed pork and chicken liver), dried leaves of Artemisia annua (from organic farming, 4.2%).

Nutritional Additives

Flavors: L-Glutamic Acid - 222,220 mg/kg; Intestinal flora stabilizers: Enterococcus faecium - 1.1 · 10^11 CFU/kg; Vitamins: Vitamin C - 4,400 mg/kg, Vitamin E - 33,330 IU/kg; Trace elements: Zinc (zinc glycine chelate) - 2,222 mg/kg, Selenium (sodium selenite) - 7.8 mg/kg.

Analytical Components

Crude protein 38.63%; Crude fiber 2.86%; Crude fat 6.81%; Crude ash 9.50%

How do its active ingredients work?


Beta-glucans are PAMPs (Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns) molecules that act as immune response modifiers. They activate local macrophages and dendritic cells to positively regulate class II MHC and increase the secretion of cytokines (TNF-α, IL-2, IL-10, and IL-12), enabling them to efficiently present antigens to T lymphocytes and initiate an effective immune response. Beta-glucans stimulate a new concept called trained immunity or innate immune memory, which allows macrophages, monocytes, and natural killer cells to show an enhanced response capacity when reencountering pathogens, both at the digestive and systemic levels.

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Artemisia annua

It provides a dual protective action against the protozoan Leishmania infantum. 1: It has a leishmanicidal action (apoptotic antileishmanial activity); 2: It preferentially stimulates Th1 immunity (characterized by increased levels of IFN-γ, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, and nitrite) and suppresses Th2 immune responses with a reduced level of IL-4 and IL-10.

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L-Glutamic Acid

Precursor to glutamine, considered a conditionally essential amino acid and a key nutrient for the proper functioning of the immune system. Glutamine is the preferred energy source for immune cells, and providing higher amounts of this essential nutrient improves their function.

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Enterococcus faecium

Encapsulated probiotic (technology that ensures the stability of the bacteria during the manufacturing and preservation period of the product). Enterococcus faecium modifies the immune response through two mechanisms. 1: Indirectly due to its ability to balance the intestinal microbiota. Competition for nutrients, adhesion sites, and the production of antimicrobial substances (short-chain fatty acids, defensins, etc.) inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria while favoring the development of beneficial bacteria; 2: Direct effect on the immune response, both innate and acquired, against pathogens at both local and systemic levels. Probiotics induce the maturation of dendritic cells and macrophages (increasing their phagocytic activity and their efficiency in presenting antigens to T lymphocytes), promote the production of cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6), stimulate the cellular activity of natural killer cells, and increase the response to vaccination (greater production of IgG and IgA).

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Mannan-oligosaccharides increase the secretion of IgA in the intestine, stimulating the most important humoral immune factor of the intestinal mucosa. They inhibit the adherence, colonization, and penetration of bacteria and toxins, increase mucus secretion, and prevent the uptake of food antigens. In this sense, the increase in IgA levels in the intestine represents an enhanced local immune capacity and greater protection against the invasion of pathogens.

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Fructooligosaccharides are a prebiotic component, which means they resist digestion and arrive intact to the colon where they serve as an energy source, thereby promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Bacteroides spp., and Bifidobacterium spp.), which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria through exclusive competition. Additionally, as a result of their fermentation, they increase the release of short-chain fatty acids (acetate, propionate, lactate, and butyrate) into the intestinal lumen, reducing the presence of pathogenic bacteria (E. coli and C. perfringens) thanks to the lowering of colonic pH.

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Vitamin E

Immune cells contain particularly high concentrations of vitamin E to protect themselves from oxidative damage related to their high metabolic activity and the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their plasma membrane. Vitamin E improves cell membrane integrity and positively modulates signaling events in T lymphocytes. Additionally, indirectly, vitamin E protects the function of T cells by reducing the production of T cell suppressor factors such as PGE2 produced by macrophages.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the most potent reducing agent available to cells. It regenerates the glutathione enzyme, neutralizes free radicals both intracellularly and extracellularly, and protects against free radical-mediated protein inactivation associated with the oxidative burst of neutrophils.

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Selenium acts as a cofactor for glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that protects tissues against oxidative stress by catalyzing the reduction of hydrogen peroxides and organic hydroperoxides and by regenerating vitamin E.

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Zinc increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase and is a cofactor of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radicals into H2O2, which is less oxidizing. Zinc deficiency is a cause of dysfunction in almost all classes of immune cells, in addition to being related to thymus involution.

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To whom and for what purpose?

  • Immunokun prevents the onset of infections and improves health in healthy animals with low defenses such as puppies from weaning up to 6 months of age, elderly animals (around five years in large or giant breed dogs and around seven years in small dogs), dogs with obesity, animals with a high level of physical activity, furry pets under conditions of chronic stress, or nursing females.
  • In dogs positive for Leishmaniasis or diagnosed with other infectious diseases such as parvovirus, ehrlichiosis, mange, ringworm, or infectious processes of the skin and respiratory system, Immunokun reduces symptoms and halts the progression of these infections, improving your dog's quality of life.
  • In cases of other diseases that involve immunosuppression, such as Cushing's Syndrome, Immunokun prevents the onset of secondary infections, improving the health of your furry friend.
  • During any vaccination, Immunokun enhances the immune system's response to vaccination, making it more effective and providing your dog with greater protection.
  The use of IMMUNOKUN is not recommended in case of:
  • Patients with allergies (whether food or environmental allergies, flea bite allergies, drug allergies, etc.)
  • Patients with acute or chronic systemic inflammatory processes such as arthritis, dermatitis, enteritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Addison's disease, pemphigus, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis and immune complex meningoencephalitis, myositis, etc.
  • Animals undergoing chemotherapy or concomitant use with pro-oxidant drugs, as the antioxidant effect of Immunokun could reduce their effectiveness.
  • Patients with epilepsy or gastritis.
  • Pregnant or nursing females.

How is it administered?

Daily recommendation to be added on top of the food. This dose can be divided into different servings throughout the day:
Weight Tablespoons* Package duration
10-20 kg 1,5 245 intakes = 8 months
20-30 kg 2,5 147 intakes = 5 months
>30 kg 3,0 122 intakes = 4 months
*9,1 g per tablespoon. The spoon is included in the package. Immunokun for dogs can be administered in conjunction with any type of diet (kibble, homemade or commercial cooked food, BARF, or dehydrated). Additionally, it can be administered chronically without the need for any rest period between containers. How long should I administer it?
  • Healthy animals that have low immunity (puppies, senior animals, athletic dogs, animals with obesity, nursing females, etc.): Administer half of the recommended daily dose as a preventive treatment.
  • Dogs positive for Leishmaniasis or diagnosed with other infectious diseases: Administration for at least 1 month is recommended and should be continued as long as symptoms persist
  • Other diseases that involve immunosuppression: Administration for at least 1 month is recommended and should be continued as long as symptoms persist.
  • During any vaccination: 5 days before vaccination, on the day of vaccination, and for the 7 days following.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Alexandre mariné

Ha ayudado mucho a mi perro y ya es el Segundo, vote qué utilizo y no va a ser el último, un excelente producto

Iván Garcia

Ideal para perros mayores de 8 años como el mío.

Tobías Vega
5ª vez que compro

Esta vez nos hemos hecho con el formato grande para ahorrar un poco, en cuanto al producto ya hemos comentado varias veces que muy bueno

Ariana Gómez
Todo estupendo

Como siempre con vosotros, genial

Asia Sanz
Envio tarde

En relacion al producto genial, se lo recomende a mi hermana que tiene un labrador de lo bien que le ha ido al mio

Immunokun WOW (dogs - 3.1 kg) Supplement for Large dogs to Boost Immunity
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