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Guide to the most common diseases in dogs and how to improve them


Knowing what common dog diseases are and how to recognize them is essential for anyone with a furry friend. Do you know what health problems your dog can suffer from throughout your life? Are you wondering what you can do to help him or her?

Vitamins and supplements for dogs are a fundamental support to take care of the health of our four-legged companions. At Kunkay we are specialists in pet supplementation, we make products with natural ingredients that give your furry friend the extra help he needs to stay healthy and/or recover from any illness or ailment. Even in chronic problems, natural supplements for dogs are a fundamental support to alleviate and combat symptoms. In short, these solutions help your pal to live a healthy, long and happy life.

At Kunkay we know that the most important thing for you is that your dog is healthy and happy and, therefore, we have prepared a guide with the most common diseases in adult dogs and puppies and what you can do to improve their evolution.

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1. Typical diseases in adult dogs

Common diseases in adult dogs can be caused by many factors, from a poor diet to a lack of vaccination, as well as being the result of a virus or appearing due to a genetic predisposition.

At any sign of alarm or change in your pet's behavior, it is essential that you go to the veterinarian so that he can correctly diagnose the problem.

However, for information and first orientation, we will tell you what are the most typical diseases that occur in adult dogs, their main symptoms and how to combat them.

1. Kennel cough

Kennel cough is a very common condition in dogs that are in contact with other dogs. It affects the respiratory tract and produces a very recognizable hoarse cough, it is not a very serious disease and is rarely complicated if treated in time.

The main problem with kennel cough is that it is very contagious. For this reason, it usually occurs in animals that come from a shelter or in those who interact with many dogs in the park or the pee-can.

Simply avoid contact with other dogs to avoid spreading the disease and follow your veterinarian's recommendations. Normally, rest will be sufficient until the symptoms improve.

2. Canine parvovirus

Canine parvovirus is a virus that can cause a life-threatening intestinal infection in both adults and puppies. Parvovirus causes fever, vomiting, lack of appetite and diarrhea, with or without blood. It is a very dangerous pathology because the virus that causes it is very resistant and can remain alive for long periods outdoors, being a very contagious disease.

The good news is that parvovirus is almost 100% preventable thanks to vaccination. In this case, it is advisable to prevent your puppy from going for a walk (you can take him on a collar but do not pose him) until he is four months old, at which time he will receive the vaccination. In the case of adult dogs, vaccination is essential! If your puppy is up to date with his vaccinations, you have nothing to worry about.

3. Rabia

Rabies is another potentially fatal disease that can be combated through vaccination. Although rabies vaccination is not mandatory in all autonomous communities, from Kun-Kay we strongly recommend that you give your dog the rabies vaccine even if it is optional in your community.

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the brain and spinal cord of all types of mammals; this includes dogs, cats and also people. Once symptoms appear it is a fatal disease but it can be prevented with a simple annual or every three years vaccination.

4. Ringworm

Ringworm is a highly contagious disease, both in dogs and humans, that can affect the skin, hair and nails. You will recognize it because it produces irregular bald patches on your dog's coat and can also cause inflammation and/or skin reaction.

Once diagnosed, treatment for ringworm is fairly straightforward. Typically, a topical solution, lotion or powder is applied to the dog's body to eliminate the presence of the fungus.

5. Intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites can affect dogs of any age. They do not always produce symptoms at first but can end up being life-threatening for your pet.

Parasites can cause diarrhea, vomiting, thinning or abdominal swelling, including more dangerous symptoms such as anemia or even intestinal obstruction.

The best way to combat intestinal parasites is prevention. Your dog needs to take medication for internal deworming as often as recommended by your veterinarian and to have a strong immune system. In this regard, dog supplements such as Enterokun Mild are a fundamental support; they can help you take care of your pet's intestinal health and also offer extra support for those who are recovering after having had parasites.

6. Scabies

Like ringworm, mange is also a skin disease caused by an infection; in this case, by mites. What happens is that the mites that lodge in the dog's dermis and coat begin to feed on its skin, sebum and keratin, producing very intense itching that will make the dog scratch compulsively and may cause wounds.

There are different types of mange but all of them can be easily treated by a veterinarian. To facilitate the recovery of your four-legged colleague, we recommend you to resort to recommended supplements to take care of his skin and coat, such as Dermakun.

7. Canine leptospirosis

It is a very common disease caused by a bacterium called spirochete. It is not usually very serious although it is quite contagious, your dog can catch it if its skin or any wound comes into contact with the urine of an infected animal.

Canine leptospirosis is not usually very serious and is cured using antibiotics.

8. Arthritis and Arthrosis

With the passage of time, most older dogs tend to experience aches and pains in their muscles and joints. Arthritis and osteoarthritis can also occur in very active or working animals and in those who are overweight.

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to reverse this disease, but we can prevent its progression and combat its symptoms by using supplements with anti-inflammatory properties such as Arthokun. If you want more information on how they work, don't miss our article on the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs in dogs!

9. Leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease transmitted mainly by the bite of a phlebotomine sandfly. It is a very serious and incurable disease that has a different evolution and symptoms in each dog.

If your dog catches Leishmaniosis, it will need a lifelong treatment to alleviate its symptoms, so it is much more advisable to act in a preventive way. If you live in a risk area, it is essential that you use an antiparasitic product against phlebotomine sandflies, ideally a collar or a pipette combined with a lotion like Antibugskun.

10. Idiopathic Epilepsy

Idiopathic epilepsy is a chronic neuronal disease with no determined cause. Dogs that suffer from it can lead a completely normal life although there is a possibility that they may suffer seizures.

To reduce as much as possible the possibility of your dog having an epileptic seizure, it is important to help him to stay as relaxed and calm as possible at all times. To do this, you can use our Mindkun supplement, especially useful in stressful situations such as changes in routines, travel or moving house.

2. Common diseases in puppies

Many of the diseases common in adult dogs can also occur in puppies. However, there are four problems that are most common in puppies during their first months of life.

1. Vomiting and Diarrhea

Although, as we told you in our article on the causes of gastroenteritis in dogs, this problem can occur at any age, puppies are more prone to vomiting, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders because their immune system and intestinal flora are still developing.

Given this problem, it is best that your puppy follows a diet specially recommended for small puppies and that you avoid any sudden change in their diet. Because of its small size, it is also important that you take care to avoid dehydration; if your puppy has diarrhea and/or vomiting, make sure it drinks plenty of water.

2. Ascaridiosis

It is a highly contagious parasitic infection that can cause coughing and diarrhea and, if not treated in time, evolve into more serious symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, growth problems and weight loss. In more advanced cases, there is a risk of Ascaridiosis developing into a respiratory complication.

As with any parasite, prevention is essential. Avoid taking your puppy out for walks before his first vaccinations and make sure he is always up to date with his deworming.

3. Canine distemper

It is a very contagious disease, especially in puppies whose immune system has not yet been strengthened, such as puppies. It causes symptoms such as hyperthermia, conjunctivitis, cough and nasal and ocular secretions.

In case of any of these symptoms, it is important to go to the veterinarian immediately so that your dog receives the appropriate treatment. With good veterinary care, distemper is not lethal, but it is important that it is correctly diagnosed and treated in time.

4. Intestinal worms

Worms are a fairly common problem in puppies because they still have an immature immune system and tend to suck and chew on everything. Treated in time, worms are nothing more than intestinal inflammation and diarrhea, although it is important to act quickly to avoid more serious consequences.

As with any parasite, the best option to combat it is deworming and good prevention.

Now you know what are the most common diseases in dogs, how to recognize them and what you can do to help your four-legged colleague. From Kunkay we want to emphasize the importance of prevention. In this sense, a healthy and balanced diet that gives your dog everything he needs is more than essential. In addition to choosing the best food for him or her, remember that you can also complement it with our supplements for dogs. All Kunkay supplements have been specially formulated to give your little one that extra boost he or she needs for a long, healthy and happy life.

We have options to combat specific problems such as those we have recommended throughout the article and also with perfect proposals when you are looking for an extra to take care of their general health. Superbrownkun and Supergreenkun will become your go-to supplements for your furry friend to enjoy an iron health. Besides, dogs love their taste, so your buddy will be sure to eat them! Try them and you'll see!

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