¿Por qué es importante desparasitar a tu perro?
on 21/02/2025 0 commentsLos parásitos no solo causan molestias, sino que pueden desencadenar graves problemas de salud, como infecciones, irritaciones, reacciones alérgicas o incluso daño en los órganos internos. Por eso, mantener a tu perro limpio y protegido es fundamental para su bienestar. -
🐾 Ácidos Grasos del coco: el Superpoder secreto para tu perro 🥥🐶
on 05/09/2024 0 commentsLos ácidos grasos del coco, son un superalimento para nuestros perros y gatos: son antiinflamatorios, equilibran la microbiota intestinal, mejoran el pelo y la piel, fortalecen su inmunidad, mejoran la salud cognitiva,... -
How to deal with the processionary caterpillar?
on 27/02/2024 0 commentsThaumetopoea pityocampa, 🐛 commonly known as the pine processionary caterpillar, is a type of stinging caterpillar that lives in pine trees. Do you know how to avoid them and what to do in case of contact? ❤ Here we tell you how to prevent them, the symptoms in case of contact and how to act with the processionary caterpillar. -
How do I know if my dog has joint problems?
on 11/01/2024 0 commentsYour dog is an essential part of the family. Prioritise their happiness and well-being. Learn how to prevent joint problems, observe changes in behaviour, lameness, inflammation or stiffness. Know the signs and take steps to ensure a healthy and active life for your loyal companion - check out our tips for preventing and curing joint problems!