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My cat is stressed, why?


It is widely accepted that the causes of stress in cats are complex. Altered living conditions (a new home, stays in residences or holiday periods), temporary environmental changes (unexpected noises such as works, storms, discordant music or even loneliness) or changes in daily routine (schedules of rides or meals) are just the beginning of a long list.
Stress responses to external stimuli become problematic when an individual cannot control the situation or escape the stressor. In these cases, in which the response to physiological stress is prolonged or is chronic, negative effects appear on our cat at the physiological, emotional and behavioral level.

  • Physiological level: We observed rapid pulse, superficial breathing, salivation, tremors, diarrhea and/or vomiting. In short, the typical frame of nervousness that we all know.
  • Emotional level: Anxiety appears which is defined as an emotional response that is triggered before a stimulus or situation that the animal perceives as dangerous.
  • Behavioral level: Animals begin to vocalize, have altered sleeping, eating, and toilet patterns, and show more aggressive behaviors.

At the physiological level, the central serotonergic system of cats is related to states of fear and anxiety and the ability to respond to stress. Specifically, serotonin is associated with well-being and an elevated mood, in addition to controlling most brain functions, such as sleep cycles. Dysfunction in the serotonergic system is associated with increased aggressiveness and decreased impulse control in cats.

Influencia de los componentes de la dieta en el sistema serotoninérgico. 5-HTP: 5-hidroxitriptófano; LNAA: Aminoácidos neutros de tamaño grande; Trp: Triptófano.

The amino acid tryptophan (Trp) is metabolized in the brain along different pathways to synthesize serotonin and melatonin, favoring the feeling of calm and well-being and sleep regulation. Other dietary components, such as glucose and large-size neutral amino acids (LNAA), modulate the transport capacity of tryptophan to the brain, stimulating or decreasing, respectively, the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin.

Once in the central nervous system, vitamin B6 and omega-3 fatty acids catabolize serotonin synthesis reactions from 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and melatonin synthesis from serotonin, respectively. In addition, under stress conditions, tryptophan is degraded to the liver, reducing the amount reached by the brain. In Kun Kay we have various supplements and vitamins for cats, for every situation.

The Mindkun nutraceutical line Behavior Wellbeing treats stress and behavioral alterations, reducing in turn, its side effects.

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